SHOKOsmile — online store of handmade chocolate gifts, the official distributor of the best confectionery factories.

The store was created on the Prestashop platform, during the implementation of which the following were installed: the module for informing buyers sms, the module New mail, the module for creating an order on one page. Implemented the functionality of automatically sending your own layout for making gift wrapping of chocolate (constructor). Lists of promo codes and integration of bulk discount modules were also implemented.
Website screenshots
Photos and design elements
Chief technical officer
Arthur Povorin
Backend Developers
Alexander Bruhovetskiy
Sergey Kukuyashny
QA engineer
Albina Herasymova
Project Manager
Dmitriy Kostrub
Frontend Developers
Sergei Biletskii
Denis Shpak
Feedback Our adress
49000, Ukraine, Dnepr,
Simferopolska str, 2K
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+38 (067) 637-02-87